"Just as man cannot live without dreams, he cannot live without Hope. If dreams
reflect the past, Hope summons the future."
(Eli Wiesel)
Our World Seeks More Hope
Our world has become more and more challenging over the years. On the macro
level we find ourselves surrounded by constant violence, terrorism, war, pandemics,
the worsening effects of climate change, economic upheaval and unequal resource
distribution. The political dialogue and environment have become increasingly bitter
and in some cases, outright violent. On the personal level, we experience many of
life’s challenges, struggles and hurdles, often having to “go it alone”, for one reason
or another. For all this we need to utilize the “power of Hope”, something we need
all the more of in today’s world.
There is much confusion in understanding the full meaning of the term “Hope”.
Hope is often thought of as something abstract, passive, impractical and far removed
from initiative an action. The fact is much to the contrary! In recent years, with the
advent of Hope Science, Hope has been the focus of thousands of research studies as
it is seen as a main driver that motivates individuals to create change in their lives.
Hope Science (positive psychology) views Hope not primarily as a feeling but as a
cognitive construct that propels individuals to create goals, design pathways to bring
about positive change in their lives.
Existential psychology sees Hope as fundamental to our very existence. Viktor Frankl,
the Holocaust survivor psychiatrist, neurologist, famed author of “Man’s Search for
Meaning” and founder of logotherapy (meaning-based therapy), emphasized the
words of Friedrich Nietzsche who said: “He who has a WHY to live can bear almost
any how.” We all need something for which to get up in the morning. We all need to
cherish and cultivate Hope in our lives, throughout our lives.
What is the Hope Accelerator?
The Hope Accelerator is a new social venture developed in Israel, and now offered
globally, which addresses the very universal core that we all seek: to be able to
create, ignite, strengthen and cultivate personal Hope in challenging times. The Hope Accelerator is an innovative initiative that deals with building an empowering framework for people who aspire to "accelerate their Hope" - a framework in which the participants will learn, experience, practice and share about the power of Hope, how to instill more Hope in their lives, their work, their personal environment and society as a whole.
At the heart of the Hope Accelerator approach is the unique “Hope Acceleration Workshop” that seeks to enable individuals to cultivate their awareness, skill and ability to cultivate a profound sense of personal Hope, to strengthen their capacity to face and grow through adversity in life with resilience and creative power. The second phase of the venture will be the creation of the “Passing it forward” concept in which graduates of the workshop will be encouraged to volunteer in projects and efforts which increase Hope for others in their communities and circles. The third part of the Hope Accelerator venture envisions the establishment of a global “Hope Community” which will create a universal awareness and umbrella to expand Hope- in its many forms- around the world.

What is the "Hope Acceleration Workshop"?
Our approach sees Hope as both an emotion and a cognitive construct, something that one feels and something that one does. As such, focusing on Hope in a practical ("doing") sense creates new realities, which leads to inspiration, support and encouragement to continue and expand such action. On the other hand, the "emotion of Hope" empowers us to create action, change and initiative: the feedback loop allows for Hope to be sustained. In this way, being “Hopeful” can also be seen as a skill which can be taught, cultivated and mentored. The Hope Accelerator model is comprised of four "gateways", all of which are taught and applied via practical exercises, complemented by personal and small group reflection.
The "four gateways to Hope" are:
The search for meaning and its linkage to Hope, in the spirit of Viktor Frankl’s "Man’s Search for Meaning".
The power of gratefulness and how it is a driver for Hope in our lives.
Growth through crisis
Growth through crisis, utilizing the research findings in the area of post- traumatic growth for personal reflection and application.
Hope Science
The cognitive, and "active Hope" of Hope Science, which emanates from the world of Positive Psychology, which deals with meaningful goals, pathways and personal agency.
The Hope Accelerator workshop
The Hope Accelerator workshop can be delivered as a one-day intensive program, a four-meeting program over a month, a longer and more comprehensive “retreat” of several days in remote places in nature, or any other format to suit the needs of participants. The workshop has and can be given remotely over Zoom with full value and impact. What is important to note is that the Hope Accelerator is inherently a “hands-on” approach to strengthening personal Hope and communicating that energy, message and inspiration to others wherever they may be!
Contact me to further explore how this unique program can enrich a fundamental part of our inner lives, wherever we may be- the Power to Hope!
What have participants shared about the Hope Accelerator?
Two “Pilot programs” involving 25 individuals in all were administered in August, 2024, which were received with great appreciation and enthusiasm. Below are the results of the feedback survey as well as a handful of the many testimonials received:
100% of participants expressed a great degree of satisfaction with the workshop.
84% of participants recorded that the workshop contributed to them to a large or
very large extent, both personally and professionally.
92% of participants wrote that the workshop made them appreciate the importance
of Hope in their lives.
94% of participants wrote that the topic of Hope was enriching and interesting for
88% of participants expressed a desire to expand and experiment more on the
subject of Hope.
100% of participants indicated that the manner of facilitation contributed to the
workshop experience for them.
It is important to emphasize that the workshop deals in “Personal Hope” for us on a human and individual level, without any connection to any political, religious, spiritual, social or economic group or way of thinking. The goal is to help the individual connect more deeply to his/her capacity and need to create and sustain Hope in their lives.
Testimonials (partial list)
“The organization of the program in a most sensitive way enabled me to connect to
myself and then share with others. Ronnie’s guidance made it possible with plenty of
empathy". (Orli Sade)
"The workshop helped me think thoroughly and deeply about the concept of Hope,
the exercises helped me reconnect with past events where Hope was and still is a
source of significant strength in my life." (Achinoam Eini)
"I liked the overall view that combines practical actions alongside cognitive
understanding, emotional connection and connection to the spirit." (Rami Naifris)
"The facilitation was excellent, Ronnie combined his personal knowledge, many
years of experience and the diversity of thoughtful and methodical activities very
"Superb combination of exercises, topics and communication on a topic that I often
think and wonder about." (T.B.)
"Ronnie did an excellent job building the workshop step by step. I loved the
moments of meditation, the punctuality, the reflective exercises and deep sharing in
the group." (L.P.)
"I left with more awareness to practice Hope in my life, with more knowledge and
more expansion of choice. Inspiring!" (Ronnie Chesler)
"I left with a big smile on my face and especially in my heart. How important and
strengthening it is to think Hope and do Hope." (Y.M.)
"The connection between gratitude and Hope was powerful for me, I think this is a
practical way for me to create a habit of thinking of Hope in my brain." (M.V.)
"The workshop was a massage for the soul - for the different senses, professional
and personal, warm and open, inviting, inspiring and practical." (A.M.)
"For me Hope is the spice of life- this workshop was prepared thoroughly to be
interesting, reflective, intriguing and inspiring to deepen and explore Hope in my
life." (Orna Dashet)
"It was really excellent. The conversations in dyads were at times deeply intimate, I
felt a surge of energy in talking about my personal vision in such complex times." (Shulamit Regev)
"Ronnie, you brought energy, curiosity, inspiration and depth to this important topic. I felt you know who to steer the ship in an excellent manner to help us all explore,
express and connect to Hope and to each other." (M.I.)
Facilitator- Ronnie Dunetz, PhD
Ronnie received his Doctorate of Philosophy in Wisdom Studies in 2023 from Ubiquity University with the dissertation: Reflections of children of Holocaust survivors in their second half of life on their life experience. He has been a senior life-coach and veteran group and workshop facilitator for over 20 years. Ronnie has completed advanced training in logotherapy (meaning-based therapy), as well as certifiication in storytelling, life story group faciliation and "Sage-ing"- conscious aging- personal and spiritual development with age (he leads a long-term, global, online group in "Harvesting your Wisdom"). Born in the US and living in Israel for over three decades, Ronnie has also lived and studied in East Asia for five years in his twenties, training and studying traditional martial and spiritual arts and philosophy extensively, which he continues to this day. He is a social entrepreneur currently developing an initiative in Israel (and globally) called “The Hope Accelerator”, which seeks to empower personal Hope amidst crisis and adversity. Visit his website: www.wisdom-opportunity.com
Would you like to Connect?
The Hope Accelerator is seeking collaboration with organizations worldwide across the spectrum of fields to create workshops “fine-tuned” to different communities and populations, such as:
Programs supporting bereaved families and individuals; children at-risk; mental health; veterans; senior citizens; families with special needs; women’s clubs and women’s empowerment; new immigrants; community development; organizational leadership enrichment; formal and informal extra-curricular skills improvement; interfaith and intercultural synergy; and Much More!
"Hope can be seen as a kind of anchor. The anchor is thrown and clings to the ground of the future, and the person, and sometimes an entire society, begin to pull themselves towards it".
(David Grossman)
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